Kandovan Village

With 2 hours distance from Tabriz, Kandovan Village is one of the sub-districts of the city of Osko in West Azerbaijan Province, northwest of Iran. ...

Kandovan Village

With 2 hours distance from Tabriz, Kandovan Village is one of the sub-districts of the city of Osko in West Azerbaijan Province, northwest of Iran. Similar to honey beehives and dating 6,000 years old the houses of this village have been built in the heart of the mountain.  This village is located in the slope of Sahand Mountains and its rocky architecture has been created through volcanic interactions. Wind, snow, and rain for thousands of years have created these Cone shape from volcanic masses and lava.  In the world, there are only three rocky villages of this type, the other two being inhabited in the Cappadocia of Turkey and in the Dakota of United States of America. Distinguish fact about the Candovan is the presence of more than 100 residential homes within the pyramidal masses of the rocks of the village that people still live in.